It is intended to obtain information from the owners of the JCB machines, excavators (30 pcs), rock rollers-2ton and tipper trucks-1cu required for road development activities in the Baddegama Pradeshiya Sabha area (Baddegama, Ginimellagaha and Wanduramba zones) on a rental basis.
Accordingly, we kindly request that you provide us with the following information as soon as possible.
I. Name of the machine owner:-
II. Address:-
III. National Identity Card Number:-
IV. Telephone Number:-
V. Whatsapp:-
VI. Email:-
VII. Willingness/Unwillingness to provide machines on rental basis:-
VIII. Machine type (JCB, Excavater-pc 30, Stone Roll-2ton, Tipper Truck-1cu.) and capacity:-
IX. Other:-