Solid Waste Management

Solid Waste Management

Our council collects about 1.5 tons of garbage per day, which amounts to about 50 tons of garbage each month. Such garbage is divided accordingly when collected from the people. Our local council collects about 1.5 tons of garbage per week. About 50 tons of biodegradable waste is collected monthly. The waste is segregated and collected from the public. The waste management project of Baddegama regional council area consisting of 112.8 square kilometers is currently being implemented in the compost yard located at Baddegama Makurugoda estate with an open land area of ​​26.4 acres 02 rood 03 perches. An open area of ​​26.4 acres 02 roods 03 perches of this land is currently used for the waste management project. Through this project, the garbage disposed of from the houses, business places, government institutions and hospitals in Baddegama area and the houses, business places, government institutions and hospitals in Waduramba urban limits will be collected using 2 tractors. As a whole, this garbage collected in about 500 places, including households, business places, and institutions, will be sorted into perishable garbage and non-perishable garbage and arranged to be collected by employees. Accordingly, the objectives of the project can be stated as follows.

    1. To fulfil the legal role assigned by the Local Council Act No. 15 of 1987.
    2. Regular collection and disposal of waste generated in the jurisdiction with proper management.
    3. To maintain the environment of the jurisdiction clean and attractive.
    4. Production of compost manure and its use for crops in the area.
    5. Income generation through compost fertilizer production.
    6. Preventing the spread of infectious diseases in the area.
    7. Control and regularization of waste generation.